Переворачиваем календарь на SwiftUIТак как у себя в блоге я рассказываю о SwiftUI, то предлагаю сегодня в честь известного дня сделать свой календарь — с кострами рябин и…Sep 3, 2021Sep 3, 2021
Saving Christmas mood with VisionI love winter holidays because of this special mystery mood of these days! That’s why right after 1st of January I tried to make this time…Jan 3, 2021Jan 3, 2021
Staying safe and having fun with ARKitA lot of people in the world are worrying about coronavirus. Let’s try to use ARKit to tell others how important is to wear a maskNov 19, 2020Nov 19, 2020
Creating Instagram-like place selection with SwiftUILet’s pretend that you’re writing an app with SwiftUI that will need to provide nearby places with filtering option sorted by distance…Oct 27, 20202Oct 27, 20202